Sunday, December 16, 2012

I'm back!.... Again...

     Hello everyone! Long time no see! I know, I know, you don't expect me to see you anyways, but as a technomancer I say screw the rules, that camera is a direct link to my monitor so I can see you all of the time! Of course I am joking, that would be creepy and would take some work to get done to be honest.
     Anyways, it has been a long time, I know. I am sorry about that, my laptop had died, and I really did not have any way to post anything. I am going to make it up to you all, I promise. I am typing this on my desktop, of which should not break down as much as the laptop did. I also have installed the Blogger App on my smart phone, so that I can blog at you whenever I can.
    On the agenda is well, I need an agenda, and I want you all to give me something to blog about, this could be a question on any topic, I would love some techie questions, but if you got some others, I could possibly answer them, in person or private. Well, anyways, I will let you all have it. I will blog at ya later!

Your Fellow Technomancer,