Howdy all! YFTechno here, sorry it has been a very long time since I came back, life happened, though I am proud to say that I have been working hard on some things. I currently am working on a Tabletop Pen and Paper RPG system. I shall be releasing information about it in posts, and really my thoughts and plans about it up to this point in creation, and beyond. I am redesigning a bit of what I post to ya'll as well, but that will come later in the week; as well I got some planned things in store for future stuff, as well as videos! Let us have 3 cheers for awesome!
Oh btw, I am really sad, I have actually lost one of my favorite card game boxes, called Munchkin. It is kind of like a way to make fun of dungeon crawls, as well as just having good times with friends. It is called Munchkin and I think you all should check it out! I know I got to try and reestablish a copy of it.
Your Fellow Technomancer,
Kyle Atterson
Kyle Atterson