Monday, April 1, 2013

Making a tabletop roleplaying system: My Exp. So Far.

     I wanted to work on my own system because I wanted something that is easy to pick up, that I could use to change a few things and create a new setting simply, as well as using a simple point buy system with magic being more loosely what you imagine and not what you do. I had searched for hours on the internet looking for something; Shadowrun point buy had too great of numbers and it would be difficult to get away from the fluff with that system. Gurps is complicated for most people to pick up when you want to do something quick, and with the latest version also is kinda easy to break if not paid too much attention too. D20 modern had it's own problems, as well as just trying to modify Pathfinder for a more modern taste would be insanely complicated. Out of all the free and open RPGs, there was few of which I could do anything with, and those few was a bad choice for another reason. Then, I thought about it and bounced an idea off of one of my friends, they agreed that it possibly was an idea one could do, it was time I tried my hand at system creation.
    When I started the project, I had created a checklist inside my head, and on paper. I first came up with how I wanted to separate things (books and what not). I wanted to do a core book, with a GM book as well; as such having separate books that touch on things that could be expanded on, or even a book about what happens when you start becoming a god. Then from that, I started making a chapter list for both the core and the GM book so that I know what sort of systems and what not I had to touch on. I had things from the core mechanic, to how I will go about skills and other things.
    Now that I have told this story, the next few posts will be about how I decided certain aspects of my system, as well as some tips.

Your Fellow Technomancer,
Kyle Atterson