The very first video game was actually NOT pong like most people believe it is. It was a game by the name of "Tennis for Two" that was only available to play at a university. They was of course trying to push the limits of technology thus far, and what better way then to play with it to do things that we think are impossible at the time. Now some may say that this is a one and a lifetime thing, as in after this, games must have just been created for fun right? Wrong! Games like Star Fox was orginally built to test new parts of computer history, it is just that they became so popular with not only the developers but anyone who touched it.
The evolution of the game is pretty vast and wonderful, and gets more exiting and complicated as time goes by. There are the ASCII adventures played on someones computer, where one would have to make decisions, and effectively follow the set in stone story line that the creator of the game had made; To the arcade games where there was less story and more of just trying to be better than the person before you. If one watches, they can see the two {Story driven and Competition driven} games start to merge, into what we have know.
The technology that we have used to play these games have become better as well. Thanks to video games we have created faster computers, vast systems for entertainment at home, and 'smart' handheld devices that can, guess what, play games!\
Your Fellow Technomancer,
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