Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The internet's surfboard

     What is your favorite web browser? I enjoy most myself, but I also like to use each one as they each have better features than some in some area's. On my Windows I enjoy using Rockmelt because of the neat little chat features and also updates for my favorite things to read (like web comics and news sites). On my Linux I use chromium because of it's super speed compared to trying to use Firefox on it. But we can go on all day about different web browsers, but how often do we think about web browsers?
      The topic of web browsers is pretty broad in and of itself, there are how can one speed up a web browser, also topics of how does one test a web browser to see if it is any good, and also how does one work. I am going to try and cover some basic stuff here on this topic.

What is a good web browser:
     A good web browser is any good program/suite that you personally enjoy using. With how many different flavors there are there is no reason for one to be the ultimate browser. They each have their own good things about them. Some people enjoy just keeping with what is auto for their computers, so then they don't have to look around for something new, and that is ok. Some people enjoy sticking with something that is top of the line with features, and that is ok, and some people just enjoy ones that their friends use to keep their own lives simple when they have a problem, and that is ok.
     Some web browsers that are out right now:
         *Firefox: this one has a huge room for people who enjoy it. There are many different things that come with it, for people who are web developers, to people who are not. It has a form of itself on all operating systems as well, so if you dual boot one could keep the same feel of web browsers.
          *Chrome/Chromium: this one is growing rapidly, with the speed that it updates, and some of the nifty features that it comes with for simplicity of searching for things on the internet, even having a feature to allow you to search certain sites you been to before. It also allows people to use their accounts to save things to allow their settings to be saved.
           *Opera: Opera has been one that I have seen grow in only 4 years, and I do like what I have seen. In most cases it has some neat intiatives, while have a good strong community. Let us not forget to talk about the past of it with the ACID3 test. It was the first browser to ever get 100%, of course at that time it was a memory hog.
           *Safari: Safari is what I would suggest for someone who just wants to get online for one second and then get off. It has the fastest start up time light, but what was really amazing was the page load time for both uncached and cached sites, of which it is the fastest as well. It does not have many features, and your not going to see the Safari browser out side of a Mac OS very often.
           *Internet Explorer: IE is an ok browser, but its main focus today is for the average user. It is outstanding in only light memory management and Flash, so one should not focus to much with using this browser if you want to do some fun stuff with the internet. However, because it is built into Windows operating systems, it does have some features some web browsers can't dream of on a windows machine.

These are the two most common I have seen around, but certainly not the best, there are some that are really good that people don't use as much because they are unheard of.


  1. You should add the rest of the "Big Five".

    1. I added, sorry the original post did have them, but I guess I forgot to save it before it auto updated.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. One correction: You can use Safari on Windows machines as well as Macs, although there probably is a noticeable performance difference when using Windows.

    1. I never said one could not use it on a Windows machine, I know that one can. I was trying to really implying though that as a web developer you will not see many people on a Windows machine using it.
