Some say that the reason suites don't really matter anymore, or that they shouldn't is because why use a pre-made suite when you can effectively just test a group of programs that you like and use them together as sort of a home brew suite. This is good and kind of goes along with my checklist of a good suite.
A good suite must have:
*Flexibility: All suites must be able to be flexible with other groups of programs and file types, without this you get problems when one person uses a different suite than you.
*Communication between it's other suite members: I hate that I have to add this on the list, but I have seen some so-called suites that never actually communicate with each other well if at all. I won't say the names of these suites because they *mostly* cleaned up there act and I think everyone should get a second chance.
*Synchronized with itself: By this I mean that it follows a similar pattern when running, and has similar feel. Again, this should be pretty common with others, but there have been some things that called itself a suite and was not synchronized with brother programs in suites.
*Characteristics of a good program: I will get more into this in a future post but for now really a good program needs to be needed, needs to run smooth AND fast, and it needs to have a great non web-limited help feature (This to me is becoming the biggest problems with software today).
Bit O' Random:
I have a schedule of what days to expect what sort of posts from me now, if you have a suggestion for a topic please feel free to comment with it!
Blog update pattern:
Posts: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Reviews: Wednesday
Tutorials: Friday or when asked a question
News: Whenever
Your Fellow Technomancer,
Kyle Atterson
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