Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pretty Suite Deal

Today I will be talking about suites, and not the ones you get at a hotel. Suites in the world of technology is a fancy way of just saying a bundle. The biggest example of this would be Microsoft Office, or if you want to stretch the definition a little bit, anything that comes with Microsoft Windows system. Some people have mixed feelings for the whole ideal. I for one support the idea of them, but some may not have done properly.

Some say that the reason suites don't really matter anymore, or that they shouldn't is because why use a pre-made suite when you can effectively just test a group of programs that you like and use them together as sort of a home brew suite. This is good and kind of goes along with my checklist of a good suite.

A good suite must have:
*Flexibility: All suites must be able to be flexible with other groups of programs and file types, without this you get problems when one person uses a different suite than you.
*Communication between it's other suite members: I hate that I have to add this on the list, but I have seen some so-called suites that never actually communicate with each other well if at all. I won't say the names of these suites because they *mostly* cleaned up there act and I think everyone should get a second chance.
*Synchronized with itself: By this I mean that it follows a similar pattern when running, and has similar feel. Again, this should be pretty common with others, but there have been some things that called itself a suite and was not synchronized with brother programs in suites.
*Characteristics of a good program: I will get more into this in a future post but for now really a good program needs to be needed, needs to run smooth AND fast, and it needs to have a great non web-limited help feature (This to me is becoming the biggest problems with software today).

Bit O' Random:
I have a schedule of what days to expect what sort of posts from me now, if you have a suggestion for a topic please feel free to comment with it!

Blog update pattern:
Posts: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Reviews: Wednesday
Tutorials: Friday or when asked a question
News: Whenever

Your Fellow Technomancer,
Kyle Atterson

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