Wednesday, May 30, 2012

An idea of mine

So, with the recent blogs that I have written, I been thinking about putting them together. Where I live, there is not a hackerspace. I been thinking and I may try and get other like minded people in this area to see if I can get it together so then there can be one, and put my town on the map. Thinking about it, I can see a bit of possible things to have gained in getting on created:

  • A place for everyone to work on projects
  • A place for everyone to meet and talk about new things going on in the world of the computers
  • A place for people to meet other people who likes to work on computers
  • A place to hang out that is centered around tech
  • A workable location that could help with getting college kids away from stuff, and to have fun with tech
  • Much more.
If this works, then I will be one happy individual, seeing as it would be a move in the right direction for a better tech world!

Your Fellow Technomancer,

Hackerspace: now with refreshments!

A hackerspace is like outerspace except that it is full of computer enthusiats working on projects, instead of just well space. They are a hit in Europe right now, and have made a pretty decent impact in the US as well. They are becoming more and more important to the average computer friend. Most hackerspaces allow people to meet other like-minded people who care about computers and want to work with them more. They allow a place for people to come and toy with computers together, work on projects, and just have a place to just chill out. It is a wonderful idea that has loads of potential. A good place to find out more information is

Your Fellow Technomancer,

Kickstarter right in the ouch

For those who do not know, Kickstarter is a website that connects people who have ideas (good or bad), with people who have money. It has been used to fund projects from video games to new business adventures, as well as even some town based stuff. It is a good service that has just shot in popularity. Of course, is this popularity good or bad?

With the increase of people who use it, it is getting harder and harder for people who are not doing projects that are popular to begin with. But is that bad? The world is always going to be full of projects that are more popular when some are not. Some are going to be wonderful and not get funding, when some are horrible and get more than what they asked for. With Kickstarter, at least it allows life to be easy, with the creating the account by using your Facebook account and nice sorting of projects so then you can really keep in track with what is going on and not have to deal about the small things.

I like the idea of kickstarter and wish it will continue being around for many a year. I have a question for you all, what is your experience with kickstarter or site that does stuff that is similar? If you never used it, what would be one project that you would want to fund, or try and get funded?

Your Fellow Technomancer,

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Facebook shopping spree

So, a good bit of people have heard that Facebook bought Instagram (social photo sharing company), but did you know this has led Facebook to go on a shopping spree of business proportion? They have been buying companies, mostly new companies, left and right since this moment, and now they are trying to get another company, Face is a Israeli technology company that focuses on facial recognition.

Why would facebook be interested with Face, when all Facebook is a social site? Well let us look at it like this, a big thing facebook has been trying to crack down on is the amount of fake user accounts, and security all around. They could take Face and use some of their workers to help beef up the security features by adding facial recognition. Or maybe they could just use it to help with the tagging feature of pictures. All that is for certain is that whatever it is for, it is for a new feature that will probably get a punch in the stomach a few times before people start using it and liking it.

Your Fellow Technomancer,


There lately has been many things that have taken over my time, some of them are good, but most of them are kinda unproductive. A bunch of the time that I have been dealing with is Minecraft, I recently started playing it again, last time being during beta, and just so much fun was had. Anyways, now I am trying to be productive member of the net society again, I got some productivity apps and what not to help with what I do. Below for fun I listed what has been taking most of my time, and hey if you want leave a comment about whatever takes up your time the most.

Things that have taken over my mind since the end of the school year:
  • Minecraft
  • Web Comics
  • Actual Comics
  • Role playing games
  • Trivial pieces of information
  • and last but not lest, nothing much.

Remember everything with Evernote, Skitch and our other great apps. | Evernote

Remember everything with Evernote, Skitch and our other great apps. | Evernote:
This is what I am thinking I am going to use as my next review. Loads of neat features, very useful, and it is easy on the eyes.
'via Blog this'

Monday, May 7, 2012

Guess who's back?

I created a monster, well at least attempting to. I been away from my posting because I needed to work on school work, and also I had to finish a project I been working on. I am not done with it yet, but I am getting very close to. I will be having it free to download, but if you feel like donating then there will be the ability to do, cause I do need the money hoho.

The program:
The program is called StoryMaster, it is created with tabletop role playing games in mind, to help people create maps, and other things. It will help with sorting out story details like NPCs, places, events, and even rolling dice. It will have an auto saving feature so that if you are working on something, and your computer shuts off, it will be saved, awesome right? If I get some people interested I will post up some screenshots of it in action. Also, if you have something you want to add, just click on the new page so that you can give me a comment about the program, and possibly give me an idea of some more features!

PS: The program could even help writers when writing a story, just throwing that out there.

Your Fellow Technomancer,